Millcreek Utah

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Community Information

My community is a populous area with increasing high density living and single homes adjacent to Salt Lake City. We have many types of faith groups including many people who do not associate with a specific domination or religious practice. We use cars and public transportation to shop and acquire services. People participate in a variety of activities including arts, music, continuing education and outdoor activities such as skiing, hiking, hunting and picnicking. We have healthcare centers, libraries and schools (primary and higher education) available to us.

My community is becoming more diverse and will soon have a city center meant to bring people together. We have increasingly more Latinx, immigrants and refugees.

My community is near Salt Lake City and has many retail businesses. Many people work in Salt Lake City. Salt Lake City and their businesses affect my community.

My community is not rural, we are interested in improving air quality, public transportation and decreasing suburban sprawl.

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Millcreek Utah

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Data Layers
Election Data
Population: 407207
Percentage of population by race (denoted by shading opacity):
This map was created at

Economic or Environmental Interests

My community is near Salt Lake City and has many retail businesses. Many people work in Salt Lake City. Salt Lake City and their businesses affect my community.

Community Activities and Services

My community is a populous area with increasing high density living and single homes adjacent to Salt Lake City. We have many types of faith groups including many people who do not associate with a specific domination or religious practice. We use cars and public transportation to shop and acquire services. People participate in a variety of activities including arts, music, continuing education and outdoor activities such as skiing, hiking, hunting and picnicking. We have healthcare centers, libraries and schools (primary and higher education) available to us.

Cultural or Historical Interests

My community is becoming more diverse and will soon have a city center meant to bring people together. We have increasingly more Latinx, immigrants and refugees.

Community Needs and Concerns

My community is not rural, we are interested in improving air quality, public transportation and decreasing suburban sprawl.
Better Boundaries
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