Bonneville Hills

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Community Information

voting rights diversity mental health education middle class

The people who shared a historical understanding of the neighborhood have begun to die or have moved away. The new neighborhood is not tied together in the same way with a mixture of LDS and non LDS residents.

My community is made up primarily of professionals with concerns about the environment.

My community is on the East Bench of Salt Lake City with older home owners and new families with professional occupations. It is more liberal than other areas in Salt Lake, but there are also conservatives.

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Bonneville Hills

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Data Layers
Election Data
Percentage of population by race (denoted by shading opacity):
This map was created at

Economic or Environmental Interests

My community is made up primarily of professionals with concerns about the environment.

Cultural or Historical Interests

The people who shared a historical understanding of the neighborhood have begun to die or have moved away. The new neighborhood is not tied together in the same way with a mixture of LDS and non LDS residents.

Community Needs and Concerns

My community is on the East Bench of Salt Lake City with older home owners and new families with professional occupations. It is more liberal than other areas in Salt Lake, but there are also conservatives.
Better Boundaries
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