Parleys Way Community

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My community in the East Bench area of Salt Lake City is located near several canyons that provide local recreation and ski resort tourism. Air pollution from fossil fuels and wildfires is endangering our health and exacerbating drought by affecting snowpack and snowmelt patterns that supply our water. There is no affordable housing in the area, and small beloved local businesses are being pushed out and torn down to make way for new apartment blocks.

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Parleys Way Community

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Data Layers
Election Data
Percentage of population by race (denoted by shading opacity):
This map was created at

Economic or Environmental Interests

My community in the East Bench area of Salt Lake City is located near several canyons that provide local recreation and ski resort tourism. Air pollution from fossil fuels and wildfires is endangering our health and exacerbating drought by affecting snowpack and snowmelt patterns that supply our water. There is no affordable housing in the area, and small beloved local businesses are being pushed out and torn down to make way for new apartment blocks.
Better Boundaries
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