Greater Salt Lake City

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Community Information

transportation LGBT+ housing diversity environment

My community is Downtown Salt Lake City. We frequent the city, the Wasatch Mountains, and the red rock desert landscapes of Southern Utah.

My community is creative, accepting, tolerant, progressive, and cares for each other. We welcome people of all backgrounds, genders, sexuality, race, etc - and expect everyone to be kind to each other, respect our differences, and embrace our diversity.

My community is downtown Salt Lake City. We thrive on tourism, outdoor apparel and equipment companies, the arts, and our beautiful geography.

We do not look or think like the rest of Utah. We are many - and yet barely represented. In terms of population, Salt Lake County alone holds more than 1/3 of the entire state's population. Yet we continue to be gerrymandered out of equal representation - especially in liberal SLC.

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Greater Salt Lake City

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Data Layers
Election Data
Population: 572853
Percentage of population by race (denoted by shading opacity):
This map was created at

Economic or Environmental Interests

My community is downtown Salt Lake City. We thrive on tourism, outdoor apparel and equipment companies, the arts, and our beautiful geography.

Community Activities and Services

My community is Downtown Salt Lake City. We frequent the city, the Wasatch Mountains, and the red rock desert landscapes of Southern Utah.

Cultural or Historical Interests

My community is creative, accepting, tolerant, progressive, and cares for each other. We welcome people of all backgrounds, genders, sexuality, race, etc - and expect everyone to be kind to each other, respect our differences, and embrace our diversity.

Community Needs and Concerns

We do not look or think like the rest of Utah. We are many - and yet barely represented. In terms of population, Salt Lake County alone holds more than 1/3 of the entire state's population. Yet we continue to be gerrymandered out of equal representation - especially in liberal SLC.
Better Boundaries
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