Downtown Salt Lake City

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transportation housing environment affordable

My community is one of the most diverse in an otherwise very homogenous state. While I am a member of the dominant religion and race, I value that local diversity that is more present where I live and am angered and dismayed when members of my community are largely silenced politically due to gerrymandered districts. I don’t think most members of my religion want those Utahns outside our faith to feel or be bullied politically through devious political machinations like gerrymandering, but that’s the way things are currently, creating a community culture that often is united in opposition to the dominant faith, which it views as its political enemy, and not without some justification.

Because we are an urban area we experience the greatest amount of air pollution in the state. Therefore we feel a greater sense of urgency about passing laws decreasing polluting energy use and increasing clean energy use.

My community is the most urban area of Salt Lake Valley and there are concerns about housing affordability and a general desire to solve the housing affordability problem by increasing housing density. Areas outside the urban center are more resistant to doing their part to increase housing density which is increasing the homelessness problem and the number of housed individuals who cannot afford to buy homes. The homelessness issue is far more burdensome in my area than in the less urban areas of the county/state.

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Downtown Salt Lake City

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Data Layers
Election Data
Percentage of population by race (denoted by shading opacity):
This map was created at

Economic or Environmental Interests

Because we are an urban area we experience the greatest amount of air pollution in the state. Therefore we feel a greater sense of urgency about passing laws decreasing polluting energy use and increasing clean energy use.

Cultural or Historical Interests

My community is one of the most diverse in an otherwise very homogenous state. While I am a member of the dominant religion and race, I value that local diversity that is more present where I live and am angered and dismayed when members of my community are largely silenced politically due to gerrymandered districts. I don’t think most members of my religion want those Utahns outside our faith to feel or be bullied politically through devious political machinations like gerrymandering, but that’s the way things are currently, creating a community culture that often is united in opposition to the dominant faith, which it views as its political enemy, and not without some justification.

Community Needs and Concerns

My community is the most urban area of Salt Lake Valley and there are concerns about housing affordability and a general desire to solve the housing affordability problem by increasing housing density. Areas outside the urban center are more resistant to doing their part to increase housing density which is increasing the homelessness problem and the number of housed individuals who cannot afford to buy homes. The homelessness issue is far more burdensome in my area than in the less urban areas of the county/state.
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