Capital Hill/Marmalade District

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Community Information

LGBT+ housing education

My community is around the capital and city creek canyon. We spend recreational time in the canyon and walking the grounds of the capital.

My community is near City Creek Canyon and are concerned about the preservation of the open spaces and recreation access to the lands.

The housing stock in my community is small plots of land (very small or no yards). Housing costs are rising quickly and we are concerned about them.

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Capital Hill/Marmalade District

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Data Layers
Election Data
Percentage of population by race (denoted by shading opacity):
This map was created at

Economic or Environmental Interests

My community is near City Creek Canyon and are concerned about the preservation of the open spaces and recreation access to the lands.

Community Activities and Services

My community is around the capital and city creek canyon. We spend recreational time in the canyon and walking the grounds of the capital.

Community Needs and Concerns

The housing stock in my community is small plots of land (very small or no yards). Housing costs are rising quickly and we are concerned about them.
Better Boundaries
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