Bluffdale Westside Residents

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Community Information

transportation crime

My community on the west side of Bluffdale is bordered by the city of Herriman which is experiencing extremely high growth rates. Issues around transportation needs and lagging infrastructure development to support Herriman's growth have the potential to push east/west roads across Bluffdale's west border, adversely impacting the residents of this community.

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Bluffdale Westside Residents

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Data Layers
Election Data
Percentage of population by race (denoted by shading opacity):
This map was created at

Community Needs and Concerns

My community on the west side of Bluffdale is bordered by the city of Herriman which is experiencing extremely high growth rates. Issues around transportation needs and lagging infrastructure development to support Herriman's growth have the potential to push east/west roads across Bluffdale's west border, adversely impacting the residents of this community.
Better Boundaries
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