Board games, dancers, hikers, gardeners

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schools entertainment art hiking bicycles

My community is made up of board gamers. We get together and play strategy games. Most of us are middle class, we depend on the roads to get to game night. Historically we've been able to meet in churches with extra space, although covid and insurance concerns have made this difficult recently

My community is made up of dancers we take class and rehearse. We've had a hard time meeting due to cubic, and dinner if the dance studios have gone back to masks to protect their students.

Among those of us who garden, we're definitely worried about water. We've got neighbors who care more about their lawn than their community. We're concerned about air quality. It's been hard to try to keep kids India with our poor air.

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Board games, dancers, hikers, gardeners

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Community Activities and Services

My community is made up of board gamers. We get together and play strategy games. Most of us are middle class, we depend on the roads to get to game night. Historically we've been able to meet in churches with extra space, although covid and insurance concerns have made this difficult recently

Cultural or Historical Interests

My community is made up of dancers we take class and rehearse. We've had a hard time meeting due to cubic, and dinner if the dance studios have gone back to masks to protect their students.

Community Needs and Concerns

Among those of us who garden, we're definitely worried about water. We've got neighbors who care more about their lawn than their community. We're concerned about air quality. It's been hard to try to keep kids India with our poor air.
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