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Community Information

transportation renewable resources housing education environment

Community is made up of sports enthusiasts and citizens concerned about the future of the planet. Ski areas, bike trails and a sense of a larger neighborhood are a few valued items

This community is diverse with a wealthy mostly white upper class and a working latinx contingent supporting the resort community. Arts are important, recreation and fitness are important.

Skiing and other activities that surround the ski areas drive the main economy in this area though the town is growing to a point where other industries are starting to sustain themselves.

More support for the underserved communities within this community. Addressing climate change as it will adversely affect the tourism economy. Keeping this community as a distinct area and as a whole seems reasonable to not water down the specific goals and drivers for unique change.

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Data Layers
Election Data
Percentage of population by race (denoted by shading opacity):
This map was created at

Economic or Environmental Interests

Skiing and other activities that surround the ski areas drive the main economy in this area though the town is growing to a point where other industries are starting to sustain themselves.

Community Activities and Services

Community is made up of sports enthusiasts and citizens concerned about the future of the planet. Ski areas, bike trails and a sense of a larger neighborhood are a few valued items

Cultural or Historical Interests

This community is diverse with a wealthy mostly white upper class and a working latinx contingent supporting the resort community. Arts are important, recreation and fitness are important.

Community Needs and Concerns

More support for the underserved communities within this community. Addressing climate change as it will adversely affect the tourism economy. Keeping this community as a distinct area and as a whole seems reasonable to not water down the specific goals and drivers for unique change.
Better Boundaries
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