
Map your Community!
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Map downloads include the community information below.

Community Information

universities education lake white multicultural

Byu, center street, downtown, river trail,

Mormon heritage

Utah Lake, river trail, airport, preserving land, dont allow unnecessary development on the mountains

Affprdable housing, develop city responsibly, policis that promote green trAnsportstion, convert city parks buildings and all schools to eco friendly landscaping, water conservation, expand recycling, more bike lanes, more trails,

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Data Layers
Election Data
Percentage of population by race (denoted by shading opacity):
This map was created at

Economic or Environmental Interests

Utah Lake, river trail, airport, preserving land, dont allow unnecessary development on the mountains

Community Activities and Services

Byu, center street, downtown, river trail,

Cultural or Historical Interests

Mormon heritage

Community Needs and Concerns

Affprdable housing, develop city responsibly, policis that promote green trAnsportstion, convert city parks buildings and all schools to eco friendly landscaping, water conservation, expand recycling, more bike lanes, more trails,
Better Boundaries
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