Southwest Central Bountiful

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Community Information

LGBT+ renewable resources housing diversity affordable

My community is the center of cultural diversity in my city. While the rest of town is almost exclusively white hetero- families, my community is home to people of many ages, races, and sexualities. There are many latinx people, Polynesian people, and LGBTQ+ people in my community.

It’s the only place where there’s a lot of apartments, instead of houses. Most people rent in my community. We are always concerned about the air quality. We are concerned with the amount of water that wealthier people on the mountain use.

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Southwest Central Bountiful

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Data Layers
Election Data
Percentage of population by race (denoted by shading opacity):
This map was created at

Economic or Environmental Interests

It’s the only place where there’s a lot of apartments, instead of houses. Most people rent in my community. We are always concerned about the air quality. We are concerned with the amount of water that wealthier people on the mountain use.

Cultural or Historical Interests

My community is the center of cultural diversity in my city. While the rest of town is almost exclusively white hetero- families, my community is home to people of many ages, races, and sexualities. There are many latinx people, Polynesian people, and LGBTQ+ people in my community.
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