Park City Locals

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Community Information

transportation education entertainment environment art

My community frequents parks, hiking trails, churches, medical facilities and world class entertainment. My community also actively supports a plethora of non-profits improving the quality of life in our town/county.

My church community is active in supporting the needs of our local underserved residents

My community is very concerned about there being a sufficient workforce to support the tourism that fuels our economy.

I like to view our town & Snyderville Basin as one community that needs to work together to face issues. The Western part of Summit County has distinctly different needs than the Eastern, more rural, part of the County.

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Park City Locals

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Data Layers
Election Data
Population: 29056
Percentage of population by race (denoted by shading opacity):
This map was created at

Economic or Environmental Interests

My community is very concerned about there being a sufficient workforce to support the tourism that fuels our economy.

Community Activities and Services

My community frequents parks, hiking trails, churches, medical facilities and world class entertainment. My community also actively supports a plethora of non-profits improving the quality of life in our town/county.

Cultural or Historical Interests

My church community is active in supporting the needs of our local underserved residents

Community Needs and Concerns

I like to view our town & Snyderville Basin as one community that needs to work together to face issues. The Western part of Summit County has distinctly different needs than the Eastern, more rural, part of the County.
Better Boundaries
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