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Community Information

renewable resources mental health education environment affordable

My community is rural. They meet together for activities at the local park we are a religiously diverse group of people although as you can imagine there are quite a few people that belong to the LDS faith. We are 10-15 minutes away from the nearest Healthcare or Governmental services and even further for mist mental health services. We pay high property taxes which keep getting higher having a sustainable way of funding our community and education is important to me.

I personally think it's weird that my community is divided into multiple districts given the size, further there seems to be no good reason that we are separated from our neighbors in the next city.

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Data Layers
Election Data
Percentage of population by race (denoted by shading opacity):
This map was created at

Community Activities and Services

My community is rural. They meet together for activities at the local park we are a religiously diverse group of people although as you can imagine there are quite a few people that belong to the LDS faith. We are 10-15 minutes away from the nearest Healthcare or Governmental services and even further for mist mental health services. We pay high property taxes which keep getting higher having a sustainable way of funding our community and education is important to me.

Community Needs and Concerns

I personally think it's weird that my community is divided into multiple districts given the size, further there seems to be no good reason that we are separated from our neighbors in the next city.
Better Boundaries
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