Samiiras map

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Community Information

gentrification healthcare mental health crime education

My community is made up of people in downtown lewiston that go to lhs and the local mosuque

the cultural bonds people have is the common muslim and somali

people are employed in the local stores and places near by

community needs are help for the homeless more places to play for kids and more community places

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Samiiras map

Data Layers
Election Data
Population: 13708
Percentage of population by race (denoted by shading opacity):
This map was created at

Economic or Environmental Interests

people are employed in the local stores and places near by

Community Activities and Services

My community is made up of people in downtown lewiston that go to lhs and the local mosuque

Cultural or Historical Interests

the cultural bonds people have is the common muslim and somali

Community Needs and Concerns

community needs are help for the homeless more places to play for kids and more community places
State Voices