Humane community

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Community Information

renewable resources healthcare voting rights environment suburban

My community believes in the healthy active recreation of all our citizens rich or poor. The continued upgrading of our schools and universities need to be designed and configured to ensure the continued development of every person to the fullest potential possible. In the current economy that means 4 years post high school, not determined by age. Healthcare is a human right in my community.

Cultural and Historical interests should be encouraged on a vollentary basis but not subsidized. We have an obligation to help all people fleeing violence or persecution.

my community is made up of humans capable of loving all of Gods children. Not the haters, self absorbed greedy people who obviously don't know God.

My community believes that the obscene high levels of inequality is destroying our country it's progress and future. It has shredded the social fabric and all the things that United us in the past. The constant mental stress of high levels of inequality as measured by the Gini index show it's corrosive antisocial power in Americas high levels of mental illness, murder, violent crime, drop out rate and antisocial behavior as documented in the book "The Spirit Level" by two Epidemeologists.

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Humane community

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Data Layers
Election Data
Percentage of population by race (denoted by shading opacity):
This map was created at

Economic or Environmental Interests

my community is made up of humans capable of loving all of Gods children. Not the haters, self absorbed greedy people who obviously don't know God.

Community Activities and Services

My community believes in the healthy active recreation of all our citizens rich or poor. The continued upgrading of our schools and universities need to be designed and configured to ensure the continued development of every person to the fullest potential possible. In the current economy that means 4 years post high school, not determined by age. Healthcare is a human right in my community.

Cultural or Historical Interests

Cultural and Historical interests should be encouraged on a vollentary basis but not subsidized. We have an obligation to help all people fleeing violence or persecution.

Community Needs and Concerns

My community believes that the obscene high levels of inequality is destroying our country it's progress and future. It has shredded the social fabric and all the things that United us in the past. The constant mental stress of high levels of inequality as measured by the Gini index show it's corrosive antisocial power in Americas high levels of mental illness, murder, violent crime, drop out rate and antisocial behavior as documented in the book "The Spirit Level" by two Epidemeologists.
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