Millcreek Sugarhouse Neighbors

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Community Information

transportation healthcare voting rights diversity environment

My community works in the sciences or medical field and they recreate outdoors e.g. climbing

My community is mostly white but feels strongly about breaking down ethnic divides. Basically living in Utah, working in the sciences and climbing leads to a privileged bubble but I would like to pop it.

Air quality, climate change, algae blooms

Sugarhouse and Millcreek are my geographic neighborhoods

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Millcreek Sugarhouse Neighbors

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Data Layers
Election Data
Percentage of population by race (denoted by shading opacity):
This map was created at

Economic or Environmental Interests

Air quality, climate change, algae blooms

Community Activities and Services

My community works in the sciences or medical field and they recreate outdoors e.g. climbing

Cultural or Historical Interests

My community is mostly white but feels strongly about breaking down ethnic divides. Basically living in Utah, working in the sciences and climbing leads to a privileged bubble but I would like to pop it.

Community Needs and Concerns

Sugarhouse and Millcreek are my geographic neighborhoods
Better Boundaries
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