Cottonwood Heights

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Community Information

transportation voting rights diversity education environment

My community is urban and suburban. Proximity to my neighbors and a large local population means that we all recognize that our actions impact our neighbors more than residents of rural areas. We value zoning regulations and local ordinances and see them as necessary for a peaceful coexistence with our neighbors, not as an infringement of personal freedoms.

My community us urban/suburban with strong links to city center/ University. The need for transportation solutions that link these areas more effectively requires shared representation of everyone that shares the infrastructure on a daily basis.

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Cottonwood Heights

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Data Layers
Election Data
Percentage of population by race (denoted by shading opacity):
This map was created at

Cultural or Historical Interests

My community is urban and suburban. Proximity to my neighbors and a large local population means that we all recognize that our actions impact our neighbors more than residents of rural areas. We value zoning regulations and local ordinances and see them as necessary for a peaceful coexistence with our neighbors, not as an infringement of personal freedoms.

Community Needs and Concerns

My community us urban/suburban with strong links to city center/ University. The need for transportation solutions that link these areas more effectively requires shared representation of everyone that shares the infrastructure on a daily basis.
Better Boundaries
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