Cottonwood Heights

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Community Information

renewable resources healthcare mental health environment suburban

Activities revolve around the mountains, canyons, trails, outdoors as they are right in our backyards.

My neighborhood is older but more diverse groups are moving into the area all the time as people are able to work from anywhere.

We live between two major canyons that are responsible for a huge amount of the tourism and recreation in the valley. We are the stewards that caretake these canyons.

Our senators are not representative of our community. As was witnessed in heated town halls at our local highschool.

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Cottonwood Heights

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Data Layers
Election Data
Percentage of population by race (denoted by shading opacity):
This map was created at

Economic or Environmental Interests

We live between two major canyons that are responsible for a huge amount of the tourism and recreation in the valley. We are the stewards that caretake these canyons.

Community Activities and Services

Activities revolve around the mountains, canyons, trails, outdoors as they are right in our backyards.

Cultural or Historical Interests

My neighborhood is older but more diverse groups are moving into the area all the time as people are able to work from anywhere.

Community Needs and Concerns

Our senators are not representative of our community. As was witnessed in heated town halls at our local highschool.
Better Boundaries
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