South Davis

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transportation housing healthcare education environment

South Davis is rapidly changing, becoming less LDS and more diverse. This is bringing it more in line with Salt Lake City to the south than cities like Logan to its north.

Most people in South Davis work and "live" in Salt Lake City, going there for concerts, restaurants, hiking, and even school. For these reasons it makes more sense to group it in with the northern parts of Salt Lake County than with Washington County, as has been the case for the past decade.

My community has been lumped in with far away St. George, somewhere that is different in just about every way from Bountiful. We should not be in the same district.

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South Davis

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Data Layers
Election Data
Percentage of population by race (denoted by shading opacity):
This map was created at

Economic or Environmental Interests

Most people in South Davis work and "live" in Salt Lake City, going there for concerts, restaurants, hiking, and even school. For these reasons it makes more sense to group it in with the northern parts of Salt Lake County than with Washington County, as has been the case for the past decade.

Cultural or Historical Interests

South Davis is rapidly changing, becoming less LDS and more diverse. This is bringing it more in line with Salt Lake City to the south than cities like Logan to its north.

Community Needs and Concerns

My community has been lumped in with far away St. George, somewhere that is different in just about every way from Bountiful. We should not be in the same district.
Better Boundaries
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