Beautifully Rural

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Community Information

housing healthcare voting rights education affordable

My community is rural and remote. About 250 population.

My community is mostly white with a shrinking LDS population but is a political anomaly in this county, being more liberal.

Ranching is presented as our primary economic industry but that hasn't been true since my Grandpa was a rancher here. It is more a cultural component of the community. The primary industry is tourism. We are trying to get more online technology and increases in government commitment to the area.

I know I will be connected to my more conservative neighbors but it is ridiculous to be connected to people 4 and 5 hours away. Get rid of the SLC pie slices. We are not the same even though our politics may be. But we are rural and should be clumped with rural.

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Beautifully Rural

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Data Layers
Election Data
Population: 1335
Percentage of population by race (denoted by shading opacity):
This map was created at

Economic or Environmental Interests

Ranching is presented as our primary economic industry but that hasn't been true since my Grandpa was a rancher here. It is more a cultural component of the community. The primary industry is tourism. We are trying to get more online technology and increases in government commitment to the area.

Community Activities and Services

My community is rural and remote. About 250 population.

Cultural or Historical Interests

My community is mostly white with a shrinking LDS population but is a political anomaly in this county, being more liberal.

Community Needs and Concerns

I know I will be connected to my more conservative neighbors but it is ridiculous to be connected to people 4 and 5 hours away. Get rid of the SLC pie slices. We are not the same even though our politics may be. But we are rural and should be clumped with rural.
Better Boundaries
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