South Davis

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Community Information

transportation housing education environment suburban

Local and regional parks and recreation facilities. In addition common shopping areas and service areas such as fire and police.

I think "cultural history" can be a slipry slope

I think that common industries and where people go to and from are major indicators (farms vs. tech, for example). In addition, common air and watersheds should be considered.

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South Davis

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Data Layers
Election Data
Percentage of population by race (denoted by shading opacity):
This map was created at

Economic or Environmental Interests

I think that common industries and where people go to and from are major indicators (farms vs. tech, for example). In addition, common air and watersheds should be considered.

Community Activities and Services

Local and regional parks and recreation facilities. In addition common shopping areas and service areas such as fire and police.

Cultural or Historical Interests

I think "cultural history" can be a slipry slope
Better Boundaries
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