Poplar Grove Community

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Community Information

climate LGBT+ immigration diversity homelessness

My community gathers in public spaces to socialize and share common interests, such as restaurants, universities, and outdoor areas.

My community is made up of people of all colors and ethnicities. We are gay and straight, residents and immigrants and those looking to immigrate, religious and other religious. My group is tolerant of all.

My community is employed by the downtown area and the greater Salt Lake City area. We are champions of the environment and choose to be change agents in making this area a better place for all to live.

My community needs representatives who are empathetic and listen to our needs. We need representatives who put our needs over their own political interests.

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Poplar Grove Community

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Data Layers
Election Data
Percentage of population by race (denoted by shading opacity):
This map was created at Representable.org

Economic or Environmental Interests

My community is employed by the downtown area and the greater Salt Lake City area. We are champions of the environment and choose to be change agents in making this area a better place for all to live.

Community Activities and Services

My community gathers in public spaces to socialize and share common interests, such as restaurants, universities, and outdoor areas.

Cultural or Historical Interests

My community is made up of people of all colors and ethnicities. We are gay and straight, residents and immigrants and those looking to immigrate, religious and other religious. My group is tolerant of all.

Community Needs and Concerns

My community needs representatives who are empathetic and listen to our needs. We need representatives who put our needs over their own political interests.
Better Boundaries
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