Stewart Community, Wa She Shu Community

COI Maps
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Community Information

healthcare unemployment education elderly environment

Stewart Indian School, Stewart Community Center, 2 or 3 major grocery stores

Tribal citizens and government, Washoe tribal land

Vast majority work for the state government. Not a high percentage of Native employment. State prison is located across the street.

Stewart community is a microcausim of Natives in the area. Need comprehensive care and access to healthcare. Closest clinic is 45 mins away. Behaviroal health, optical, etc. needed. Water issues, infrastructure problems. Quality of life isn't what it should be.

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Stewart Community, Wa She Shu Community

COI Maps
Data Layers
Election Data
Population: 5538
Percentage of population by race (denoted by shading opacity):
This map was created at

Economic or Environmental Interests

Vast majority work for the state government. Not a high percentage of Native employment. State prison is located across the street.

Community Activities and Services

Stewart Indian School, Stewart Community Center, 2 or 3 major grocery stores

Cultural or Historical Interests

Tribal citizens and government, Washoe tribal land

Community Needs and Concerns

Stewart community is a microcausim of Natives in the area. Need comprehensive care and access to healthcare. Closest clinic is 45 mins away. Behaviroal health, optical, etc. needed. Water issues, infrastructure problems. Quality of life isn't what it should be.
COI Maps