Greater Park City Area

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Community Information

housing environment outdoor activities unaffordable bicycles

My community gets all services from outside the town of Hideout. Grocery shopping, gas, medical appointments, parks, churches, nonprofits are entirely located in Summit County and the greater Park City area, either in the area of Quinn's Junction, Kimball Junction, or within the Park City limits. Public transit is also based in Summit County and Park City. This area is defined by it's skiiing destinations which are also all in Park City and Summit County.

Hideout shares economic interests with Park City and Snyderville Basin. This is where we obtain all of our services. Tourism in this area (especially the ski resorts) is the reason most of Hideout's residents have moved here, to ski, bike, and when possible, to work remotely from our homes or have a relatively easy commute to the Salt Lake Valley or Airport.

The Town of Hideout is a municipality with a rapidly growing population. The town is located in Wasatch County, where the closest county services, shopping, medical services, and recreation, are in Heber City, more than 15 miles away. Park City, in Summit County, is much closer, just 3 miles away, so residents fully identify with the Park City/Snyderville Basin area rather than Heber or Midway cities. Park City and Summit County is where all of us shop, get gas, go to doctors, recreate, and obtain all of our local services. Our friends live in Park City and Snyderville Basin, and we support the non-profits of Park City and Summit County. These should be Hideout's communities of interest.

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Greater Park City Area

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Data Layers
Election Data
Population: 5223
Percentage of population by race (denoted by shading opacity):
This map was created at

Economic or Environmental Interests

Hideout shares economic interests with Park City and Snyderville Basin. This is where we obtain all of our services. Tourism in this area (especially the ski resorts) is the reason most of Hideout's residents have moved here, to ski, bike, and when possible, to work remotely from our homes or have a relatively easy commute to the Salt Lake Valley or Airport.

Community Activities and Services

My community gets all services from outside the town of Hideout. Grocery shopping, gas, medical appointments, parks, churches, nonprofits are entirely located in Summit County and the greater Park City area, either in the area of Quinn's Junction, Kimball Junction, or within the Park City limits. Public transit is also based in Summit County and Park City. This area is defined by it's skiiing destinations which are also all in Park City and Summit County.

Community Needs and Concerns

The Town of Hideout is a municipality with a rapidly growing population. The town is located in Wasatch County, where the closest county services, shopping, medical services, and recreation, are in Heber City, more than 15 miles away. Park City, in Summit County, is much closer, just 3 miles away, so residents fully identify with the Park City/Snyderville Basin area rather than Heber or Midway cities. Park City and Summit County is where all of us shop, get gas, go to doctors, recreate, and obtain all of our local services. Our friends live in Park City and Snyderville Basin, and we support the non-profits of Park City and Summit County. These should be Hideout's communities of interest.
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