Salt Lake City

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Community Information

renewable resources housing healthcare education environment

My community is made up of a diverse group of people from many different backgrounds. They tend to lean democratic. They tend to meet at schools, libraries, parks, and out on hiking trails. They care a great deal about each other and the environment.

Like much of Salt lake city, it is diverse, and has been greatly affected by gentrification.

My community cares strongly about protecting the environment. Climate change and air quality are important issues to my community.

My community feels a great deal of stress over gerrymandering. Historically our community has been gerrymandered by carving the salt lake valley into little pieces and then pairing them with places that don't reflect my community to dilute our voice!

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Salt Lake City

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Data Layers
Election Data
Percentage of population by race (denoted by shading opacity):
This map was created at

Economic or Environmental Interests

My community cares strongly about protecting the environment. Climate change and air quality are important issues to my community.

Community Activities and Services

My community is made up of a diverse group of people from many different backgrounds. They tend to lean democratic. They tend to meet at schools, libraries, parks, and out on hiking trails. They care a great deal about each other and the environment.

Cultural or Historical Interests

Like much of Salt lake city, it is diverse, and has been greatly affected by gentrification.

Community Needs and Concerns

My community feels a great deal of stress over gerrymandering. Historically our community has been gerrymandered by carving the salt lake valley into little pieces and then pairing them with places that don't reflect my community to dilute our voice!
Better Boundaries
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