Hopeful inclusive Lehi

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Community Information

transportation renewable resources housing healthcare voting rights

My community is made up of people who value education and desire to extend eduction benefits more broadly. We care about a strong local community that provides many community needs within walking/biking, short driving distance of our homes.

My community is made up of a majority of LDS families who desire to expand the community to welcome individuals of other ethnicities, religions and backgrounds including immigrants who desire to be part of an open, inclusive community.

My community is integrated into Utah’s tech growth region that supports many other businesses and activities. It is adjacent to Utah Lake and the Jordan River that both require environmental attention to address past harmful activities.

My community needs balance to avoid single-party rigidity and smothering of constructive dialogue and idea sharing. Ideally the district would be represented by the best candidate not simply the majority party candidate so we get attention to moderate ideas and compromise principles.

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Hopeful inclusive Lehi

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Data Layers
Election Data
Percentage of population by race (denoted by shading opacity):
This map was created at Representable.org

Economic or Environmental Interests

My community is integrated into Utah’s tech growth region that supports many other businesses and activities. It is adjacent to Utah Lake and the Jordan River that both require environmental attention to address past harmful activities.

Community Activities and Services

My community is made up of people who value education and desire to extend eduction benefits more broadly. We care about a strong local community that provides many community needs within walking/biking, short driving distance of our homes.

Cultural or Historical Interests

My community is made up of a majority of LDS families who desire to expand the community to welcome individuals of other ethnicities, religions and backgrounds including immigrants who desire to be part of an open, inclusive community.

Community Needs and Concerns

My community needs balance to avoid single-party rigidity and smothering of constructive dialogue and idea sharing. Ideally the district would be represented by the best candidate not simply the majority party candidate so we get attention to moderate ideas and compromise principles.
Better Boundaries
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