Homeless community

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Community Information

transportation LGBT+ housing mental health affordable

My community includes the homeless community which spans over much of salt lake county. We need to solve this problem with more affordable housing! More access to mental health services! Less discrimination and criminalization which is crazy for taxpayers and awful for those suffering! We also need to ensure safety for our LGBT+ community who disproportionately suffer from homelesness and discrimination here in Utah! We all have a stake in this!! We need to respect the least of our brothers (and sisters!) and treat them with love and compassion! and help them! Please!!! Our community deserves representation!! We are citizens too!

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Homeless community

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Data Layers
Election Data
Population: 841553
Percentage of population by race (denoted by shading opacity):
This map was created at Representable.org

Community Needs and Concerns

My community includes the homeless community which spans over much of salt lake county. We need to solve this problem with more affordable housing! More access to mental health services! Less discrimination and criminalization which is crazy for taxpayers and awful for those suffering! We also need to ensure safety for our LGBT+ community who disproportionately suffer from homelesness and discrimination here in Utah! We all have a stake in this!! We need to respect the least of our brothers (and sisters!) and treat them with love and compassion! and help them! Please!!! Our community deserves representation!! We are citizens too!
Better Boundaries
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