East Bench

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Community Information

transportation renewable resources diversity education elderly

My community accesses the University of Utah, local shopping areas, local schools and churches, Sugarhouse and Downtown for cultural and commercial activities

My community desires convenient access to the University of Utah and Downtown SLC, as well as recreation areas in the nearby canyons. We are concerned about clean air in our neighborhood and in our recreation areas.

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East Bench

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Data Layers
Election Data
Percentage of population by race (denoted by shading opacity):
This map was created at Representable.org

Economic or Environmental Interests

My community desires convenient access to the University of Utah and Downtown SLC, as well as recreation areas in the nearby canyons. We are concerned about clean air in our neighborhood and in our recreation areas.

Community Activities and Services

My community accesses the University of Utah, local shopping areas, local schools and churches, Sugarhouse and Downtown for cultural and commercial activities
Better Boundaries
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