West Layton

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Community Information

transportation housing diversity gun control education

My community seems to be fragmented. If there are community committees, clubs, or events, I seldom hear about them. There is some Friday night all-in-one farmers market, movie, food trucks, etc. But that event doesn't necessarily meet needs. I like farmers markets, but not the food truck scene--for example. Other than that, I have only seen a 4th of July thing. (Note, I have lived here one year). I wish there were more localized things to get involved with.

White Mormons with cloistering tendencies And military people with some level of diversity.

The base people and non-Mormons should be able to be more involved. It seems like it you want to be involved in the community, you have to do it at the Mormon church.

Water usage and preservation Cultural events increase Local involvement

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West Layton

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Data Layers
Election Data
Percentage of population by race (denoted by shading opacity):
This map was created at Representable.org

Economic or Environmental Interests

The base people and non-Mormons should be able to be more involved. It seems like it you want to be involved in the community, you have to do it at the Mormon church.

Community Activities and Services

My community seems to be fragmented. If there are community committees, clubs, or events, I seldom hear about them. There is some Friday night all-in-one farmers market, movie, food trucks, etc. But that event doesn't necessarily meet needs. I like farmers markets, but not the food truck scene--for example. Other than that, I have only seen a 4th of July thing. (Note, I have lived here one year). I wish there were more localized things to get involved with.

Cultural or Historical Interests

White Mormons with cloistering tendencies And military people with some level of diversity.

Community Needs and Concerns

Water usage and preservation Cultural events increase Local involvement
Better Boundaries
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