Urban Salt Lake City

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Community Information

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My community is urban Salt Lake City.

Urban Salt Lake City is more affluent, educated, professional, and ethnically diverse than any other area of Utah. The state's dominant religious biases apply here to significantly less degree. We're dedicated to preserving a tolerant, open community for all minorities and the LGBTQ+ among us. The demands of urban living draw us to proactive, cooperative, problem solving as needed, not as bound by static status quo.

My community is interested in clean air and water, access to pristine public lands, and the preservation of untrammeled wilderness. We want to reduce urban sprawl, advance bicycle infrastructure, create viable public transit, transition to battery electric vehicles, and solve problems of the unhomed community. We don't want to sell our public lands for oil or mining exploitation by the company most able to buy and sell politicians.

My urban community is concerned by our historical under-representation: Urban Salt Lake is absurdly gerrymandered among all four of our state's congressional districts. Under this unnatural system, political power lies in rural communities that share few needs, concerns, interests, or community identity with Urban Salt Lake City. Urban SLC is concerned with mitigating Covid-19 (vaccination, masking, social distancing, and vaxx passports); with preserving a social safety net; with ensuring easy access to the ballot box for all communities, ethnic groups, and minorities. Urban SLC is concerned with managing our highest-in-nation growth.

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Urban Salt Lake City

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Data Layers
Election Data
Percentage of population by race (denoted by shading opacity):
This map was created at Representable.org

Economic or Environmental Interests

My community is interested in clean air and water, access to pristine public lands, and the preservation of untrammeled wilderness. We want to reduce urban sprawl, advance bicycle infrastructure, create viable public transit, transition to battery electric vehicles, and solve problems of the unhomed community. We don't want to sell our public lands for oil or mining exploitation by the company most able to buy and sell politicians.

Community Activities and Services

My community is urban Salt Lake City.

Cultural or Historical Interests

Urban Salt Lake City is more affluent, educated, professional, and ethnically diverse than any other area of Utah. The state's dominant religious biases apply here to significantly less degree. We're dedicated to preserving a tolerant, open community for all minorities and the LGBTQ+ among us. The demands of urban living draw us to proactive, cooperative, problem solving as needed, not as bound by static status quo.

Community Needs and Concerns

My urban community is concerned by our historical under-representation: Urban Salt Lake is absurdly gerrymandered among all four of our state's congressional districts. Under this unnatural system, political power lies in rural communities that share few needs, concerns, interests, or community identity with Urban Salt Lake City. Urban SLC is concerned with mitigating Covid-19 (vaccination, masking, social distancing, and vaxx passports); with preserving a social safety net; with ensuring easy access to the ballot box for all communities, ethnic groups, and minorities. Urban SLC is concerned with managing our highest-in-nation growth.
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