Suburban progressive christians

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Community Information

LGBT+ housing diversity environment suburban

My community is made of Community of Grace Presbyterian Church in Sandy. We grow our faith by serving others in our wider community. My community also consists of my immediate neighrhood surrounded by Willow Creek Country Club. My community is also the families and alumni of the Waterford School. My community is the people and organizations that support LGBTQ rights. I work to support homeless youth and youth transitioning from the fostercare system.

My community is employed in and participates in the mountain oriented recreation opportunites in the Wasatch Mountain. Access to recreation and the preservation of our outdoors is important. My community needs and wants clean air to live in.

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Suburban progressive christians

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Data Layers
Election Data
Percentage of population by race (denoted by shading opacity):
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Economic or Environmental Interests

My community is employed in and participates in the mountain oriented recreation opportunites in the Wasatch Mountain. Access to recreation and the preservation of our outdoors is important. My community needs and wants clean air to live in.

Community Activities and Services

My community is made of Community of Grace Presbyterian Church in Sandy. We grow our faith by serving others in our wider community. My community also consists of my immediate neighrhood surrounded by Willow Creek Country Club. My community is also the families and alumni of the Waterford School. My community is the people and organizations that support LGBTQ rights. I work to support homeless youth and youth transitioning from the fostercare system.
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