Downtown Savannah

Fair Count Georgia Maps
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Community Information

transportation housing diversity crime affordable

My community gathers in public places like parks and squares and restaurants, as well as one another's homes. And at special cultural events.My community accesses healthcare at private facilities. Most of us use at least some form of public transportation. Some of us access continuing education through both public and private sources.

The cultural bonds of my community are mostly a shared "newcomer" experience to the Deep South. We also share similar liberal social and political views.Most in my community share a history of growing up in the US in the 1960s thru 1980s.

Most of our community is retired or working close to home.I would say our environmental concerns are litter, recycling, and pollution.

Downtown Savannah is a very special and fragile place that feels safe to me and should be nurtured and protected.Our community needs to lift its poorer citizens out of poverty through education and decent employment opportunities.

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Downtown Savannah

Fair Count Georgia Maps
Data Layers
Election Data
Population: 10002
Percentage of population by race (denoted by shading opacity):
This map was created at

Economic or Environmental Interests

Most of our community is retired or working close to home.I would say our environmental concerns are litter, recycling, and pollution.

Community Activities and Services

My community gathers in public places like parks and squares and restaurants, as well as one another's homes. And at special cultural events.My community accesses healthcare at private facilities. Most of us use at least some form of public transportation. Some of us access continuing education through both public and private sources.

Cultural or Historical Interests

The cultural bonds of my community are mostly a shared "newcomer" experience to the Deep South. We also share similar liberal social and political views.Most in my community share a history of growing up in the US in the 1960s thru 1980s.

Community Needs and Concerns

Downtown Savannah is a very special and fragile place that feels safe to me and should be nurtured and protected.Our community needs to lift its poorer citizens out of poverty through education and decent employment opportunities.
Fair Count
Fair Count Georgia Maps