Salt Lake Community of Musicians

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Community Information

transportation renewable resources healthcare mental health environment

Rape Recovery Center, Intermountain Acoustic Music Association, Sugarhouse line, Front Runner, 2100 South shopping area, State Street around 2700. Gallivan Center, Liberty Park, Fittz Park, The State Room, Harmons, Winco, Utah Music Educators, Acoustic Music, Summerhays Music, Foothill Family Clinic, Shoreline trail system, Summit Park Trail System, Cottonwood Canyons, SLCC, University of Utah

Musicians. Music Teachers. Artists. Civil Rights Activists. Folk Musicians. Music Promoters. Trail Runners and backpackers.

I am in the music industry. I work at a music store, teach music, and perform music. Arts funding in public education directly affects Summerhays Music and my livelihood. Funding to arts organizations directly affects many of the gigs I get. I suffer from respiratory issues and allergies and am directly affected by the air quality. I am a trail runner. Backpacker. I will buy an electric car as soon as I am able.

I think Salt Lake County has specific needs and issues in transportation, recreation, and education that aren't being met with the current district lines.

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Salt Lake Community of Musicians

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Election Data
Percentage of population by race (denoted by shading opacity):
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Economic or Environmental Interests

I am in the music industry. I work at a music store, teach music, and perform music. Arts funding in public education directly affects Summerhays Music and my livelihood. Funding to arts organizations directly affects many of the gigs I get. I suffer from respiratory issues and allergies and am directly affected by the air quality. I am a trail runner. Backpacker. I will buy an electric car as soon as I am able.

Community Activities and Services

Rape Recovery Center, Intermountain Acoustic Music Association, Sugarhouse line, Front Runner, 2100 South shopping area, State Street around 2700. Gallivan Center, Liberty Park, Fittz Park, The State Room, Harmons, Winco, Utah Music Educators, Acoustic Music, Summerhays Music, Foothill Family Clinic, Shoreline trail system, Summit Park Trail System, Cottonwood Canyons, SLCC, University of Utah

Cultural or Historical Interests

Musicians. Music Teachers. Artists. Civil Rights Activists. Folk Musicians. Music Promoters. Trail Runners and backpackers.

Community Needs and Concerns

I think Salt Lake County has specific needs and issues in transportation, recreation, and education that aren't being met with the current district lines.
Better Boundaries
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