Hilton Neighborhood of Columbus, Georgia

Fair Count Georgia Maps
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Community Information

housing elderly environment suburban affordable

My community is made up of people who live in the Hilton area of Columbus. We gather at local restaurants either downtown or in north Columbus. Since we are located near the heart of the city, we have access to hospitals, shopping, schools, libraries, parks, and other essential utilities.

The community is made up of many people who attended the nearby high schools of Hardaway and Columbus High School. Many are also members of local churches. It is a close-knit community

Crime and hedge funds buying up housing to turn into rental properties are significant concerns for us, as is the Columbus tax freeze which hurts young homebuyers.

Control on crime, a stopping of hedge funds buying up housing, controls on slumlords.

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Hilton Neighborhood of Columbus, Georgia

Fair Count Georgia Maps
Data Layers
Election Data
Population: 59346
Percentage of population by race (denoted by shading opacity):
This map was created at Representable.org

Economic or Environmental Interests

Crime and hedge funds buying up housing to turn into rental properties are significant concerns for us, as is the Columbus tax freeze which hurts young homebuyers.

Community Activities and Services

My community is made up of people who live in the Hilton area of Columbus. We gather at local restaurants either downtown or in north Columbus. Since we are located near the heart of the city, we have access to hospitals, shopping, schools, libraries, parks, and other essential utilities.

Cultural or Historical Interests

The community is made up of many people who attended the nearby high schools of Hardaway and Columbus High School. Many are also members of local churches. It is a close-knit community

Community Needs and Concerns

Control on crime, a stopping of hedge funds buying up housing, controls on slumlords.
Fair Count
Fair Count Georgia Maps